Menus Overview
Signature Creations has organized its menus into a simple structure for your review and selection. By no means are these the extent of our selections. It is meant to give you an insight into the range of experience and abilities of our chefs, from traditional to the ultimate in a catered experience.
New Hors D’oeuvres, Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts are constantly being added; our collection is always expanding; let us present the complete scope of Signature Creations selections.
Every menu, every customer, every affair is customized to your taste and budget.
Our selections are organized as follows:
For your convenience, we have also created suggestions and examples drawn from numerous affairs and our previous experience. Use these as suggestions for the menus and timetable on planning your event; Signature Creations guarantees your affair will be unique, distinctive and fashioned around your family’s personality and tastes.